Starr Mill Blog



May 2024 The philosophy of yoga encourages us to let go, but what exactly are we letting go of?  Attachment, for one.  We humans are attached to a lot of things.  It isn’t necessarily the case that attachment is bad, but when it leads to suffering for ourselves or others, we need to take a…



April 2024 Do you ever put off starting something because you think you won’t be able to do it justice or don’t have time?  And as time goes by, the project or task you are avoiding grows bigger and more overwhelming in your mind?   Then, when you finally can’t stand feeling guilty about putting it…



October 2023 I recently attended a postural restoration training course, and boy was it eye-opening!  Those of you who have been practicing with me for a long time know that I tend to be, ahem, attached to proper alignment and a traditionalist at heart.  Well, yoga teaches us the importance of non-attachment, over and over…



May 2023 Have you ever heard your teacher say “savasana is the most important pose”?  Some people translate savasana (pronounced shavasana) to mean corpse pose, which can be misleading.  The Sanskrit root sav means to transform or alter.  This isn’t about decay of the physical body, rather it is a reference to the death of…



March 2023 Have you ever looked at the screen time tracker on your phone?  My Iphone breaks it all down – I can see how much time I average on my phone each week as well as which categories and apps I’m looking at most often on a daily basis.  It also shows me how…



December 2022 Lately, and again (and again), I am reminded of how much I take for granted.  Sometimes it takes a major life challenge, a pandemic, or a grand adventure for us to realize just how much there is to appreciate.  How often do you think: I’m so lucky I have a car, a warm…


Slowing Down

August 2022 It’s been too long since the last newsletter, and I know I’m not alone when I say this summer has felt like a blur.  I don’t know about you, but after two years of stunted living, this year has been extra jam-packed with activities in a spirit of catching up on all that…


Everything is Sacred

April 2022 The swans are taking turns sitting on their nest at the far end of the pond.  We had our first heron sighting last week.  The waterfall is raging with spring runoff.  Spring is brimming with hope and delight, perhaps even more so this year, as we creep away from social distancing and isolation. …



February 2022 Winter beckons us to slow down, to rest, and to nourish ourselves deeply in preparation for the next season’s uncoverings and growth.  Has it been easy for you to do less?  Were you able to make peace with short days, dark nights and cold, all of which encourage us to hunker down in…



November 2021 It’s that time of year, when we come together for festivity and celebration.  In just about a month, we will be welcoming the slow, steady return of sunlight.  It may seem obvious, but it is important to honor the sun and to remember that we shouldn’t take life and our planet for granted. …


Letting Go

September 2021 As the darkness creeps in, you may find yourself mourning the loss of the long, sun-drenched days of summer.  Remember though, without dark there can be no light.  Don’t shy away from looking at your shadow side.  Instead, make the most of the cooler weather and shorter days to turn inward and go…



August 2021 Summertime has brought us a sense of joy and gratitude.  Many of the things we took for granted are now seen as the gifts they truly are – staying healthy, practicing together, breathing without a mask, seeing friends and family (and not just standing on the doorstep to hand off groceries to Mom…


Atha yoga anusasanam

May 2021 At long last, we can once again come together for practice and community connection!  Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras begin, Atha yoga anusasanam, “Now we undertake the study of yoga.”  Atha is usually translated as “now,” but can also be interpreted as a turning point, commitment, or blessing.  As we prepare to open the studio…