Everything is Sacred

April 2022

The swans are taking turns sitting on their nest at the far end of the pond.  We had our first heron sighting last week.  The waterfall is raging with spring runoff.  Spring is brimming with hope and delight, perhaps even more so this year, as we creep away from social distancing and isolation.  We are following the emergent, energetic flow, welcoming new guest instructors to our brimming workshop schedule. 

Consider weaving the spirit of the season into your practice.  In astrology, the spring equinox is the new year, not January 1st.  Doesn’t it seem more fitting?  New growth abounds as we come out of hibernation.  This is an ideal time to return to the concept of beginner’s mind.  Practice every pose like you’ve never tried it before.  Don’t assume what will happen, be open to possibility.  Slow down enough to acknowledge the sacred in every step.  Take time to appreciate life’s blessings, large or small.  Let your practice be an all-day affair, rather than something that starts when you get on your mat and ends when you roll it up.  At the studio, place your shoes in the cubby with gratitude, remembering that many don’t have a single pair of shoes, let alone a pile in the closet.  After class, return the studio props to the shelf with as much attention as you gave to balancing in vrksasana (tree pose). 

Notice how often you deem certain actions important and worthy of your attention, while others are rushed through and dismissed in a negative light.  Remember the things that you took for granted before the pandemic, and take an honest look to see if you have strayed from the gratitude you discovered.  Try to approach everything you do with the same sense of reverence for this precious human existence.  Yes, even washing the dishes and scrubbing the toilet! 

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