
December 2022

Lately, and again (and again), I am reminded of how much I take for granted.  Sometimes it takes a major life challenge, a pandemic, or a grand adventure for us to realize just how much there is to appreciate.  How often do you think: I’m so lucky I have a car, a warm home, the means to participate in activities that bring me joy, a toilet and a warm shower, or marvel at the fact that you don’t have to worry about where your next meal is coming from?  In our endless drive to have more, do more and be more, it is all too easy to lose sight of the many gifts we receive.  I’m not talking about Christmas presents!  I’m referring to good health, a fulfilling job, family happiness, or fill in the blank.  We humans tend to skew toward negativity, seeing what’s wrong more often than we notice what is right in our lives.  Sure, we may have health issues, problems communicating, or be unhappy with our job.  But what about all the things that are working that we don’t even acknowledge?? 

Let’s reprogram our brains (thank you, neuroplasticity) to bring a whole lot more gratitude into each day.  I remember when people would ask my dad, “How are you, Pete?”  His response almost invariably was “I got up and my feet touched the ground so I guess I’m doing pretty good.”  Hearing him say this always jolted me out of whatever pity pot I was currently immersing myself in, and brought me back into a state of contentment and inner peace.  By returning to a mindset of gratitude literally as often as possible, we can create change in ourselves and in the world.  Let’s make Thank You our mantra.  And when negative thoughts (or what I like to refer to as stinking thinking) arise, say No Thank You, take a deep breath and reframe the belief or situation in a more positive light.  Look to conflict as an opportunity for growth rather than something to avoid.  Remember, we are all in this together, and the more we can make gratitude our default and lift each other up, the happier we will all be. 

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