Atha yoga anusasanam

May 2021

At long last, we can once again come together for practice and community connection!  Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras begin, Atha yoga anusasanam, “Now we undertake the study of yoga.”  Atha is usually translated as “now,” but can also be interpreted as a turning point, commitment, or blessing.  As we prepare to open the studio for a full schedule of in-person classes, this truly feels like a turning point and a blessing, as well as an opportunity to recommit to yoga practices.  Words can’t express how grateful we are to those of you who stuck with us through the shutdown.  We also realize that online classes simply don’t work for everyone, and are hopeful that students who didn’t join us online will return to the mill soon! 

One of the fundamental principles of yoga is that you start where you are.  Regardless of your abilities, age or circumstances, yoga can meet you and serve you, whether you are seeking inner peace, better posture, or healthier relationships.  In an attempt to meet you where you are, we will continue to offer virtual options for those wanting to stay home, along with a wide variety of in-person classes, workshops and special events for local students to explore.  Some of the newest members of our community hail from other states and countries.  I bet you didn’t know you were practicing with students logging in from Germany and Michigan! 

Anu means “continuous” and sasanam refers to a practical experience.  Rather than being merely a physical practice, we are invited to apply yoga’s principles and practices into our everyday lives, throughout our lifetime. This pandemic has helped (forced?) us all to accept that the only constant is change.  Yoga teaches us to go with the flow, accepting what IS rather than resisting the tides of impermanence.  What a gift it is to be on the yogic path, with all its various modalities and tools, to help us navigate life’s currents, eddies, riptides and rogue waves!  We are honored to be on the path with you.  Wishing you a healthy, blessed spring!

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