
August 2021

Summertime has brought us a sense of joy and gratitude.  Many of the things we took for granted are now seen as the gifts they truly are – staying healthy, practicing together, breathing without a mask, seeing friends and family (and not just standing on the doorstep to hand off groceries to Mom and Dad from a distance!) and HUGS!!  Despite the horror of the pandemic, for some of us it has also offered its own variety of gifts – more time at home with family, less driving, more home-cooked meals, fewer commitments, more time to rest, and an opportunity to take a good, hard look at what is truly important in life.  Some folks have expressed frustration, finding it difficult to emerge from isolation and reintegrate into the pace of society.  It reminds me of the challenges that we face after a yoga retreat or restorative vacation.  How can we keep hold of the priorities that were clarified and the habits that took root when we had more time on our hands, when we didn’t feel pulled in so many directions?

I don’t have any magic answers.  But I do think that we can look to the wisdom tradition of yoga for inspiration and guidance.  As usual, it all comes down to practice.  If we want something badly enough, we have to go after it wholeheartedly, consistently, for a long period of time.  We have to overcome the allure of instant gratification and remember our long-term goals.  We have to say no when we feel over-committed, we have to say no to things that don’t serve us or aren’t in line with our dreams.  We must go to bed at a decent hour so we don’t have to rush out the door, overtired, the next morning.  Contrary to popular belief, it isn’t selfish to say no when you are already drained or saying yes is in conflict with your authenticity.  It isn’t easy.  There are times when the magnetic pull of the couch and Netflix are overwhelming.  That’s when I take a deep breath, remember what is important to me, and practice anyway.  It isn’t always an inspired and well-rounded practice, or a long meditation.  Usually though, once I get going I start to feel better.  And then if I still have time and interest, Netflix and the couch are appreciated that much more.

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