
April 2024

Do you ever put off starting something because you think you won’t be able to do it justice or don’t have time?  And as time goes by, the project or task you are avoiding grows bigger and more overwhelming in your mind?   Then, when you finally can’t stand feeling guilty about putting it off any longer or the deadline approaches and you begin to chip away at it, you realize that it became a much bigger thing in your mind than it actually was?   That is this newsletter for me, every time.  When I finally sit down to start the (ahem) monthly newsletter, I realize I actually kind of enjoy the process.   I feel my heart swell with gratitude for all the people in our community and  how much the studio has grown in five years.

Yoga Sutra 1.14
Perfection in practice comes when one continues to practice with sincerity and respect for a long period of time without any interruption. 

I find writing often gives me clarity and this letter is no exception.  The lesson for me is JUST START!   If I think about the big picture (and let’s face it, this newsletter is a small thing, but the takeaway remains the same), it can feel like too much.  But if I break it down into bite-size pieces, it becomes more manageable and not so heavy.  We summit a mountain one step at a time.  This is especially true for those big goals and dreams.  No one sees the hard work that goes into writing a bestseller or building a tree farm or becoming an accomplished dancer or losing fifty pounds or getting out of a job that is sucking the life out of you.  No one sees the mistakes and mis-steps along the way.  In a society that increasingly seeks instant gratification, hard work is becoming scarce.  We want results and we want them now, and by the way, we don’t want to break a sweat in the process.   I don’t know about you, but that hasn’t gotten me anywhere in life. 

Whether you are just beginning on the yoga path or have been practicing consistently for years, we see you!  We know how difficult it can be to walk into that first class.  We know how hard it can be to begin again after injury or setbacks.  We know it isn’t easy showing up for class when it is cold and rainy, or the first day of sunshine in weeks.  We see you and we applaud your efforts.  Keep up the good work of caring for yourself.  It ripples out into the whole world, and that is yoga.

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